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FAQ for Kiasili Holistic Care

What is your approach to Holistic care?
At Kiasili Holistic Care, we follow an evidence-based scientific model of integrating traditional Western herbalism, clinical nutrition, and functional medicine in a client-centered approach. We start by listening to our client’s story of their health and wellness journey. If necessary, we may request recent functional laboratory testing results and review them to get a complete picture of the client’s health concern. We encourage and teach the importance of lifestyle modifications as deemed necessary. We make a customized health plan of care and herbal supplements, including capsulated extracts, premixed and dosed smoothie extracts, herbal tinctures, and oil gels that may be indicated to live at the wellness and comfort level yearned for! We address the root cause of ailments, both acute and chronic, rather than an isolated set of symptoms or diseases. We review the client’s medications to ensure no interaction will happen with the regimens offered.
What is your approach to Mental Wellness Care?
At Kiasili Mental Wellness, we follow an evidence-based scientific model of integrating functional medicine and psychotherapy in a client-centered approach. We start by listening to our client’s stories of their Mental wellness journey and getting a Diagnosis. We create a treatment plan and implement it if agreeable. If necessary, we may request recent functional laboratory testing results and review them to get a complete picture of the client’s health concern. We encourage and teach the importance of lifestyle modifications as deemed necessary. We make a customized health plan of care and herbal supplements, including capsulated extracts, premixed and dosed smoothie extracts, and herbal tinctures, for those interested in a Holistic approach to complement pharmacotherapies. We address the root cause of ailments, both acute and chronic, rather than an isolated set of symptoms or diseases. We review the client’s medications to ensure no interaction will happen with the prescription/regimens offered. Holistic products are not covered by insurance, so a client who is interested will be advised on the cost of their customized regimen.
Who are Kiasili Holistic Care Products [KHCP] Ideal Clients?
Our ideal clients are people who are interested in being part of their wellness actively. People who are ready to make dietary and lifestyle changes. Persons who have had discussions with their primary care providers about laboratory values that need to be normalized and have tried and bounced or want to get a helping hand! People who understand that symptoms speak of systemic issues and at such quietening pain is not enough…. Recognizing and uprooting the systemic invader is the ultimate way to solve the problem. People who value the integration of varied approaches to wellness…Read our story about an apple a day in our blog, please!
Last but not least, people who want to invest in their wellness and travel years back to “a better me back then.”
Who are Kiasili Mental Wellness Ideal Clients?
Our ideal Mental Wellness clients are people of all walks and ages, from 5 years and above, who feel they need psychiatric care. These are people who may also be interested in being part of their wellness actively and require a holistic boost. People who are ready to make dietary and lifestyle changes. People who understand that symptoms speak of systemic issues and, as such, just taking medications for their diagnosis alone may not be enough…. People who value the integration of varied approaches to wellness…Read our story about an apple a day in our blog, please!
Last but not least, people who want to invest in their wellness and travel years back to “a better me back then.”
Why Choose KHCP?
Kiasili clients have tried “everything” and often come to us debilitated with chronic and complex health conditions for years. They have typically consulted numerous doctors and self-treated with supplements. We specialize in helping these clients find relief and regain control of their health. We review your nutraceuticals and leave you to decide the way forward. We bring all you need in a regimen package versus multiple items with the risk of duplicating ingredients or missing important ones. We also stay off preservatives to avoid unnecessary reactions…this explains why our products are crafted after order placement.
Please note that our services are not meant to replace or substitute the care of a licensed healthcare provider. Clients are advised to be under the care of a licensed primary healthcare provider in their area. We are happy to communicate with your PCP about your care.
What appointment approach do you have at KHCP and Kiasili Mental Wellness?
We offer telehealth consultations via HIPAA-compliant Zoom meetings or phone calls to keep your personal information safe.
How does a client make an appointment?
All Holistic Care clients
Email us at [email protected].
Fill out an intake form, upload any labs, and submit. Pay the consultation fee (Zelle email, or use another payment link on the website)
All mental Wellness clients: use the link to the Patients portal.
You will be referred to our HIPAA-compliant Clients’ portal after email to fill out your intake paperwork. You will also be able to upload any blood work or relevant testing you have gotten in the past 3-6 months into your client’s portal. You will then be reached for your appointments. You will be linked to a payment portal with our billing company.
What do I expect in the initial intake?
- For Holistic Care clients: The initial consultation may last between 30 minutes to 1 hour and is mainly information gathering. Initial recommendations will be made on lifestyle changes, but your health plan will not be presented until the plan of care is designed based on the history/data contents. Your personal information will not be shared. Your customized plan will be discussed a day later, and the cost of the customized regimen will be discussed. Upon agreement, payment is made, your regimen will be prepared and shipped to you within a week! Follow-up calls upon receiving items will be scheduled, and any questions on the regimen use will be answered. Instructions are usually clear on each item!
- For Mental Wellness Care clients: The initial consultation may last between 45 minutes to 1 hour and is mainly information gathering. Initial recommendations will be made on lifestyle changes, and your Mental health care plan will be presented to you for approval. Your personal information will not be shared. Your treatment plan will be discussed then, and implementation starts. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled after 4 weeks.
Why are the intake forms so extensive?
The connectivity of the human body systems requires a global understanding for a clinician to be able to address and manage the underlying root cause of the problem. The prefilled form ensures no details are missed and more time can be spent on the client’s concerns.
What does a client expect in a KHCP health plan?
Customized care is what we offer.
- Diet and nutrition adjustment in composition, portion size, timing, etc.…
- Physical exercises
- Coping skills and stress management
- Sleep hygiene advisement
- Nutraceuticals/supplements designed for your case, herbal tinctures, oil gels, Herbal teas, spices…. etc., are usually taken 1-5 times a day, depending on the client’s situation.
What does a client expect in a Kiasili Mental Wellness treatment plan?
- Coping skills and stress management
- Sleep hygiene advisement
- Prescribed Psychotropics if needed, medication management monthly.
- Referrals to dietician therapist.
What is the cost of the Holistic Care products?
Our comprehensive initial consultation is at $150, with subsequent follow-ups free when on the regimens.
Customized care, different rates based on the number of products & amounts, and this is determined by the complexity of the situation. Comfort care regimens for chronic conditions, usually designed for 40 days, vary between $250-$2500. And when we talk of comfort, we are serious about pain management by offering products that make the cells happy and change their countenance…when cells are sad…the body aches. When they smile, the body smiles too…At Kiasili Holistic care, we add spice to life!
Blood work results will attest to what our products do as inflammation markers will change, and the clients know it as the comfort sets in to testify that the products are indeed working!
What is the cost of the Kiasili Mental Wellness services?
All insured clients are charged per their insurance agreement with Headway Company, which handles our billing. All out-of-network clients will pay directly by Zelle to [email protected] or use another payment link on the website: $300 for the initial visit and $150 for every medication management review.